
Where Can I Find Short Film About Animal Abuse

past chribren | created - 15 Jan 2017 | updated - 14 Jun 2021 | Public

Here is my list of my watched documentaries that have animal cruelty and killing as a sole theme. These films are non made for entertainment or laughter, they are very serious every bit they document the various forms of cruelty animals go through: Vivisection, experiments, science, slaughter, violence, entertainment, etc. If any middle-fainted or creature lovers are seeing any of these films I've put on my list, they may get disturbed or upset, and will most likely turn abroad from them.

Movies such as the "Faces of Death" series, "Shocking Asia" series and the "Mondo Cane" series as well tend to take scenes of animal cruelty. But I didn't include whatsoever of these films to the list, considering in my list hither, the films must solely be about this discipline. Most of the videos listed here are from animal rights groups such as PETA, Mercy for Animals and the likes, along with some Tv set documentaries, and feature films like "Earthlings".


95 min | Documentary

Using hidden cameras and never-before-seen footage, Earthlings chronicles the day-to-day practices of the largest industries in the earth, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit.

Managing director: Shaun Monson | Star: Joaquin Phoenix

Votes: xviii,984


107 min | Documentary

Through a combination of hand-held and hidden camera footage, Lucent explores the darker side of Australia's grunter farming industry, highlighting the solar day-to-day cruelty accepted by the industry as standard practice.

Manager: Chris Delforce | Star: Lindsay McDougall

Votes: 440

What hell pigs take to go through, from Australian farms to slaughterhouse.

Electrocuting an Elephant

1 min | Documentary, Short, Horror

The execution of Topsy, a female person elephant, in a publicity stunt advertising the opening of Luna Park on Coney Island. Topsy was originally owned by Forepaugh Circus where she killed a ... Run into full summary »

Director: Edwin Southward. Porter | Stars: Carl Goliath, Topsy

Votes: i,720

Unnecessary Fuss

26 min | Documentary, Brusk

26-minute excerpt from films made past the researchers themselves at Dr. Genarelli'south head injury laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania. The tapes were secretly taken by members of the ... See full summary »

Directors: Ingrid Newkirk, Alex Pacheco | Star: Ingrid Newkirk

Votes: 11

Cruel and painful experiments on monkeys. Nuff said.

Meet Your Meat

12 min | Curt

In a moving narration, actor and activist Alec Baldwin exposes the truth behind humanity's cruelest invention - the factory farm.

Directors: Bruce Friedrich, Cem Akin | Star: Alec Baldwin

Votes: 111

What Came Before

11 min | Documentary, Short

Follow the rescue of three different farm animals and acquire virtually what came before. Narrated past Steve-O, and ardent animal advocate, you lot will be taken on a journey through the hell-on-earth of factory farming you will never forget.

Directors: Nick Cooney, Seth D. Webster | Star: Steve-O

Votes: 11

Silver Spring Monkeys

17 min | Documentary, Short

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Director: Alex Pacheco | Star: Alex Pacheco

Votes: v

PETA's earliest films that deal with disturbing experiments washed on monkeys. Everything is shown in photos taken by the director himself.

Le gavage en question: une enquête au pays du foie gras

xv min | Documentary, Brusque

Far from the industry'southward reassuring propaganda, the footage shot past End Gavage and PMAF (CIWF France) documents the most insane treatment of sentient animals: regular culling of female ... See full summary »

Delicacy of Despair

sixteen min | Documentary, Brusk

Over half a million ducks are confined, tortured, and slaughtered in mill farms every twelvemonth in the United States to produce the gourmet cruelty foie gras. Just two companies are ... Come across full summary »

Director: Ryan Shapiro

Votes: 31

Fowl Play

52 min | Documentary

Fowl Play is a documentery about the treatment of egg laying hens and other animals. It goes within of egg corporations that people buy from everyday, and exposes how those animals are being treated, driveling, and killed.

Director: Adam Durand | Stars: Nathan Runkle, Amie Todd, Liz Perry, Jonathan Balcombe

Votes: 14

When Pigs Cry

6 min | Documentary, Brusque

Viva!'s When Pigs Weep shows Viva!'s investigation of pig farms in the country'due south #two 'pork' producing state, Due north Carolina. Sick and diseased pigs are common. On a minor farm in Georgia, ... See full summary »

Why I Don't Eat Chicken

ane min | Documentary, Short

The pic teaches yous why you rather desire to put down the drumstick, and swallow some vegan buffalo wings instead.

Foie gras: Dans l'enfer d'un couvoir

3 min | Documentary, Curt

Merely male person ducks are used in the controversial production of Foie Gras, while female ducklings are normally milled at birth. This is what this survey shows in a hatchery in the Pays de la ... See total summary »

Cheap Tricks

fourteen min | Documentary, Short

Footstep inside the box of mystery! Well, well, well, Mr Boo is up to his old tricks again, causing more trouble for Bob, Paul, Sally, and the gang. In his craziest attempt however, Mr Boo manages ... See full summary »

Star: Alec Baldwin

Votes: 5

This Is Vivisection

26 min | Documentary, Short

Film about vivisection, affording you to rare opportunity to see into the commonly secretive world of animal experimentation. The footage contained in this film has been included in club ... See total summary »

The Uncovered Truth: East Anglian Pig Co. Exposed

six min | Documentary, Short

Shocking brutality at Eastward Anglian Pig Company (EAP) has been revealed past an Animal Equality undercover investigation.

How pigs are brutally driveling and killed for meat.

The Ugliest Show on Earth

27 min | Documentary, Curt

The Ugliest Testify on World report (USoE) and video chart the findings of an eighteen-calendar month report and investigation into the apply of animals in circuses - the most comprehensive study of animals in circuses always undertaken.

Directors: January Creamer, Tim Phillips | Star: Vincent Brimble

How animals are abused for our circus amusement.

Victims of Indulgence

10 min | Documentary, Short

The video featured covertly obtained footage from Commonwealth Foie Gras of forcefulness-feeding, accompanied by experts describing the practice as inherently barbarous and then followed past an appeal ... See full summary »

Stars: John Gielgud, Tatty Hodge, Mark Lerman, Ward Stone

Votes: 7

Live Fast, Die Young

ix min | Documentary, Short

The story of the intensive meat chicken from chick to plate. Live Fast, Die Young expose the welfare issues of chickens bred to grow faster than their bones and centre can cope with.

Farm to Fridge

12 min | Documentary, Short, Horror

Narrated past University Accolade nominee James Cromwell, this powerful film takes viewers on an center-opening exploration behind the closed doors of the nations largest industrial poultry, pig, ... See full summary »

Director: Lee Iovino | Star: James Cromwell

Votes: 119


48 min | Documentary

"Chattel" focuses on several research animal facilities and the campaigns and individuals working to close them down. The film includes the story of Matt Rossell'due south two yr hush-hush investigation at the Oregon Regional Primate Heart.

Stars: Javier Burgos, Bill Dyer, Darius Fullmer, Jane Goodall

Don't Look the Other Way

five min | Documentary, Short

An ex-circus employee was called in to make a special appeal for circus workers to written report cruelty. Tom Rider had worked for Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus, Carson and Barnes, ... See full summary »

Star: Tom Rider

Don't Be That Guy!

12 min | Documentary, Short

PETA fabricated this video that teaches men how not to impress their girlfriends/wives, and wants them to non be like "that guy" in the beginning.

Down Is a Downer

1 min | Animation, Curt

In this PETA cartoon, 2 loving people realize that the bed pillow they prevarication their heads on contains real down feathers. In the downward manufacture, geese have to endure painful cruelty past having... Meet full summary »

Transport Torture

3 min | Documentary, Brusk

Undercover investigation past Mercy For Animals Canada shows pigs who have just survived a journey from hell existence beaten, shocked and mutilated without painkillers in full view of CFIA ... Come across total summary »

Inside Dade City's Wild Things: The Hidden Cruelty of Using Tigers as Props in Photos - A PETA Eyewitness Exposé

7 min | Documentary, Brusk

This PETA undercover investigation reveals how tiger cubs are being mistreated at Dade Metropolis's Wild Things (DCWT), a roadside zoo in Dade City, Florida. There, these animals are being ... See full summary »

Fun Fur?

xiv min | Documentary, Short

An extended investigation into the fur trade that Communist china is estimated to produce approximately 85 percent of the world's fur products - and it has about no regulations or rules for the ... Come across full summary »

Director: Mark M. Rissi | Stars: Donald Broom, Yu Fu, Song Wei

Inside a Major Animal Supplier to Film and TV

two min | Documentary, Brusk

When you sentry a movie, yous may run across a merits near the end of the credits that "no animals were harmed", and you expect all the animals to have been well trained with skilful welfare and ... Run into full summary »

Slice of Cruelty

3 min | Documentary, Curt

Is your pizza topped with horrific animal cruelty? A Mercy For Animals undercover investigation reveals animal abuse at a major pizza cheese supplier Leprino Foods. Workers were defenseless ... See total summary »

Silent Screams: Dogs and Cats of the Fur Trade

iv min | Documentary, Brusk

Dogs and cats, like those many of united states of america love so dearly, are beingness brutally slaughtered and killed for their fur. Reports estimate about ii one thousand thousand per year internationally. These beautiful, ... See full summary »

Star: Aimee Johnson

Dairy's Dark Side

10 min | Documentary, Short

Mercy for Animals did an hugger-mugger investigation within Canada'southward largest dairy subcontract, where cows were bailiwick to extreme animal cruelty and exploitation. MFA claims that behind about every... Encounter full summary »

Canada's Shame

i min | Documentary, Short

Every year in spring, babe seals are beingness clubbed to expiry and skinned by commercial sealers for fur. In Canada, it's only business concern, and has to be stopped.

Votes: five

Bloody Harvest: The Real Cost of Fur

vii min | Documentary, Short

Over 7 months, xxx fur farms, seven hours of footage and 1 and a one-half thousand photographs, Creature Defenders International investigated a random sample of Finnish fur farms. This ... See full summary »

Animal Liberation 2: The Sequel

24 min | Documentary, Short

This video has been produced by various individuals to complement the original video "Animal Liberation - The Movie (1993)" and bear witness how animate being liberation has developed into the 90s'. Every... See full summary »

Behind the Curtain of Peter Jolly's Circus

3 min | Documentary, Brusk

During an investigation washed by the ADI, it is revealed that animals are forced to live their miserable lives in barns when circuses are not touring. Some animals are denied water for many ... Meet full summary »

Beauty Without Cruelty

20 min | Documentary, Short

Fabricated in Bharat, the program concerns the commercial exploitation of animals. Beginning, animals are shown in their natural habitat and then subsequently each sequence people are shown wearing the ... See total summary »

Director: Mohan Hari

Their Future in Your Hands

thirteen min | Documentary, Short

A moving introductory exploration of society'south use of animals. By presenting facts nigh animals' rich emotional complexity and cartoon parallels betwixt the creature rights movement and ... See full summary »

Director: Mark Gilded | Star: Ballad Royle

Votes: 9

An Investigation and Case of Animal Cruelty Involving a Pennsylvania Egg Factory

5 min | Documentary, Short

About the end of 2005, a COK investigator worked at Esbenshade Farms, an egg industry in Mountain Joy, Pennsylvania, and presented the video footage to a state certified humane officeholder. In ... See full summary »

Sheer Horror at Superior Farms: Lamb Slaughter Exposed

4 min | Documentary, Short

During COK's first-always exposé within a US lamb slaughterhouse, shocking cruelty against lambs before slaughter has been revealed.

Next of Kin

13 min | Documentary, Curt

The BUAV'south Side by side of Kin charts the lives of monkeys living freely in their rich forest homes in Asia through their journeying to Europe to end up being used as tools for the animate being enquiry manufacture.

Star: Alexei Sayle

Votes: 8

Shell to Hell

3 min | Documentary, Short

In several hatcheries and farms in Republic of india, newly-hatched chicks are welcomed with pain and misery, and never get to meet their mothers and live their natural lives. Female and male chicks ... Encounter full summary »

The Foie Gras Assembly Line

7 min | Documentary, Brusque

Cruelty exposed within Elevages Perigord, Canada's largest foie gras producer. An investigation past Farm Sanctuary and Global Action Network.

The Making of a Turkey

fifteen min | Documentary, Short

A vintage video from Subcontract Sanctuary giving a historical await at the turkey industry and the consequences to the birds and consumers alike.

Milk in Reverse

1 min | Documentary, Short

Would you similar a drinking glass of water ice common cold milk? PETA gives yous a "reverse video" that shows the fact everything begins with brutal cruelty confronting dairy cows.

Breaking Barriers

fifteen min | Documentary, Short

An investigation of an AIDS inquiry facility called SEMA prompted Dr. Jane Goodall, the globe's foremost primate specialist, to call for its closure and the pause of experiments using... See full summary »

Star: Ingrid Newkirk

Votes: 8

Getting Away with Murder

Granjas de cerdos

44 min | Documentary, Short

Animal Equality has carried out an exhaustive investigation into Spanish pig farms, documenting the lives and deaths of pigs over a period of more than two years - from Baronial 2007 until ... See full summary »

Star: Iria Gallardo

Dog Lab

xvi min | Documentary, Short

16-infinitesimal picture show on Medical School surgery grade: students watching an instructor operate on a domestic dog. With comments by professionals, criticizing lack of sensitivity and skill. Filmed by the ... See total summary »

The Whole #MilkTruth

1 min | Animation, Short

In this PETA cartoon, a man is doing shopping at a grocery shop, and realizes the cruelty against cows and calves for milk.

Labs Unlocked

20 min | Documentary, Short

The National Anti-Vivisection Society (NAVS), which is closely affiliated with Animal Defenders International (ADI), takes viewers within St. Mary's Hospital Medical School and Toxicol Laboratories, where nosotros filmed beast abuse.

Director: Tim Phillips | Stars: Geoff Phillips, Patience Thomlinson

Time for Action

Winner Take All

9 min | Documentary, Brusque

Brusque flick by Animal Rights Media East about Huntingdon Life Sciences and the fight against the visitor by activists in the U.Southward.

Star: Kevin Kjonaas

Huntingdon Life Sciences: Pure Evil

5 min | Documentary, Short

Undercover video at Hunting Life Sciences (HLS) proving Beast testing and Animal cruelty. HLS have been infiltrated and exposed a number of times in recent years. Each fourth dimension horrific ... See full summary »

The Test of a Civilization

18 min | Documentary, Brusque

Produced by PETA and narrated past James Cromwell, this video takes us through just a small-scale observation of the surface of animal testing through a number of facilities including: University ... Encounter full summary »

Stars: Neal Barnard, James Cromwell

Breeding Pain and Misery

three min | Documentary, Brusque

A PETA undercover investigation took identify within the laboratory at Texas A&M University, where dogs are used to develop muscular dystrophy. As the painful disease continues to grow in ... Encounter full summary »

Breeding Pain and Misery in Dog Laboratories in the U.S. And France

5 min | Documentary, Short

At some dog labs in the Us and France, dogs are being bred through forcible impregnation to go a painful disease called muscular dystrophy.

Face Your Food

four min | Documentary, Short

"Game of Thrones" actor and longtime vegetarian Peter Dinklage narrates "Face Your Nutrient," revealing the ugly truth about that meal on your table and how information technology got there.

Star: Peter Dinklage

Votes: 9


12 min | Documentary, Brusk

Portrait of a baby monkey, "Britches", who was artificially blinded as part of a $275,000 research project at the University of California at Riverside. Brusque scenes from the 1985 ALF ... See full summary »

Manager: Lori Gruen

Chicken in Reverse

i min | Documentary, Short

Does chicken on plate audio good to you? PETA gives their audience a "reverse video" that shows where chickens for food come up from; Cruelty at hatcheries and poultry farms.

Born to Be Betrayed

Leather in Reverse

one min | Documentary, Brusk

This "opposite video" by PETA gives the audience a quick expect at the barbarous truth almost leather.

Stop Circus Suffering

25 min | Documentary, Brusque

The truth nearly the treatment of animals in circuses. Filmed past Animal Defenders International, this video lifts the lid on the employ and abuse of animals in amusement including the ... See full summary »

Stars: Vincent Brimble, Remo Conscious, Martin Voll


8 min | Documentary, Short

The racing industry's clandestine 'retirement plan' for horses may shock y'all - As exposed on ABC's seven:30, few horses born into this manufacture will be lucky enough to run across out their old historic period. For ... Run across full summary »

Star: Ward Young


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