
Landscaping/gardening In Carmel Ca

What is a Certified Green Gardener?Installing Drip Irrigation

Monterey Bay Certified Green Gardeners have completed a minimum of 20 hours of practical instruction in ecological landscape practices that conserve water, reduce waste, and prevent urban stormwater pollution. After completing training, Green Gardeners must also pass a qualification exam.

By hiring a Green Gardener, you'll know that you are hiring someone who has been trained and tested in Monterey Bay Friendly Landscape management practices. You will be working with a professional who has invested their own time and money to learn from their peers and expert trainers about landscape irrigation efficiency, low-maintenance landscaping, water-wise plant selection, watershed health, fertilizer management, less-toxic pest management, and much more.

The Certified Green Gardeners listed below have valid business licenses and/or are an employee or owner of a company with a valid contractors license from the California Contractors State Licensing Board.

How Do I Find a Green Gardener?

Click on the link below to find a Certified Green Gardener in your region.

Salinas Valley Pajaro Valley/North Monterey County Monterey Peninsula Area Santa Cruz Area

Salinas Valley

EMPLOYER Certified Green Gardener(s) PHONE Additional Qualifications
Abel's Gardens Abel Chavez (831) 235-2034 Advanced Green Gardener,
Certified Graywater Irrigation Installer
Green Line Landscape Service Fernando Fernandez (831) 682-6119 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor,
Advanced Green Gardener,
Qualified Landscape Water Manager
Jose O. Escobedo Landscaping Jose O. Escobedo (831) 262-1097, (831) 753-9640 Advanced Green Gardener
J.J.R. Gardening Services Jesus Rodriguez (831) 578-6430
Keith's Landscaping & Garden Keith Flickenger (831) 422-7968 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor,
Advanced Green Gardener,
Qualified Landscape Water Manager,
Certified Greywater Irrigation Technician
New Image Landscape Company Santos Lopez, Eustacio Ontiberos, Francisco Ruiz, Jesus Ruiz, Alfredo Romero, Francisco Ramirez, Segi Cabral, Matt Weist, Jim Nathan, Carlos Baragas (510) 226-9191 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor,
CLCA Certified Water Manager,
Qualified Bay Friendly Landscape Maintenance Professional
Pacific Water Management Bob Costa (831) 235-2576 Green Gardener Instructor,
Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor (IA),
Certified Landscape Water Manager (IA),
Certified Golf Course Irrigation Auditor (IA)
Rollie Haas Master Landscapes Jennifer Dildine, Jesus Ruiz (831) 663-2531 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Green Gardener Instructor
Torres Landscaping Efren Torres (831) 908-9855 Advanced Green Gardener, Qualified Landscape Water Manager
Vista Landscaping Martin Guerrero (831) 442-2644 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor

Monterey Peninsula Area

EMPLOYER Certified Green Gardener(s) PHONE Additional Qualifications
Beautiful Gardens Landscape Enrique Quiroz (831) 601-9291
CoHabitation Landscape Services, LLC Carol Nickbarg (831) 915-0393 Monterey Bay Friendly Landscaping Qualified Rater
Daniel 's General Landscaping Services Daniel Montejo Aguilar (831) 236-8614
Greenscape California David Otterbach, Greg Cottingham (831) 250-6200 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Advanced Green Gardener
Green Valley Landscape Juan Pablo Tabares, Marco Guizar (831) 393-0400 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor
Handy Dan's Construction and Green-Wise Landscaping Dan Finklea (831) 643-9911 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Certified Greywater Irrigation Installer, ARCSA Accredited Rainwater Harvesting Professional
Harkness Gardens Paul Harkness (510) 549-6419 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor
Light Houses Design Studio Tracy Parker (831) 236-6673 Licensed Landscape Architect, Certified Greywater Irrigation Installer
Los Robles Landscaping Juan Martinez Robles (831) 521-9235 Advanced Green Gardener
Los Tres Amigos Landscaping Edgar Rubio (831) 601-7763 Advanced Green Gardener
Monterey Graywater Group David Glover (831) 402-8229 Certified Graywater Irrigation Installer, ARCSA Accredited Rainwater Harvesting Professional
Morales Landscaping Valentin Morales (831) 915-6587 / (831) 899-1889 Advanced Green Gardener
Peter Quintanilla Peter Quintanilla (831) 760-0160 Green Gardener Instructor, ISA Certified Arborist, UCCE Master Gardener
Tony Jara Gardening Services Tony Jara (831) 402-2594 Advanced Green Gardener

Pajaro Valley/North Monterey County

EMPLOYER Certified Green Gardener(s) PHONE Additional Qualifications
Atzimba Landscaping Vinnicio Chavez (831) 761-5815, (831) 535-9371 Advanced Green Gardener
Burkhardt Construction Sam Burkhardt (831) 212-7019 Licensed California General, Electrical, and Plumbing Contractor, Certified Graywater Irrigation Technician
Color Me Green Carol Fuegel (831) 247-4151
Guillen Landscaping Celso G. Guillen (831) 750-9465 Advanced Green Gardener
K & D Landscaping Jose de Jesus Aviles Blanco, José Cantolán, Magdaleno Cruz, Baudelio Loera, Eddie De Luna, Salvador Lizarde, Jonathan Medina, Andres Sotelo, Joel Vargas, José Luis Rodriguez Vásquez, José Vasquez, Luis Vasquez (831) 728-4018 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Qualified Landscape Water Manager
Leonel Andrade Landscaping Leonel Andrade (831) 768-9401
Rafael's Landscape & Maintenance Rafael Gracida (831) 238-1076
Renteria's Green Garden Landscaping Juan Renteria (831) 345-4493
Rogelio's Landscaping & Maintenance Rogelio Hernandez (831) 840-2808 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor
Santa Cruz Hauling and Repair Antonio Ruiz (831)-726-6967

Santa Cruz Area

EMPLOYER Certified Green Gardener(s) PHONE Additional Qualifications
A Growing Concern Don Penner, Leonel Escalante, Oscar Dubon, Sarbelio Martinez, Joaquin Aviña Zamora, Juan Aviña Zamora, Julio Aviña Zamora (408) 483-0126 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Advanced Green Gardener
Alegre Landscape Design Lupe Peru (831) 227-3226
Aqua Green Landscape Irrigation Company Chris Elliot (831) 438-3179 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, CLCA Certified Water Manager, Green Gardener Instructor
Back To Eden Landscaping & Maintenance Inc. Rafael Gracida, Enedino Nino (831) 476-0699 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor
Blume & Lindsay Landscape Shari Arata (831) 902-7684 CLCA Certified Water Manager, Qualified Landscape Water Manager
California H2Orticulture Services Michael Johnson, Sherry Lee Bryan (831) 325-3376 Green Gardener Instructor, Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor (IA), CLCA Certified Water Manager, Certified Graywater Irrigation Installer
Central Coast Landscape Maintenance Adam Alaniz, Alejandro Flores, Alejandro Rocha, Alfredo Flores, Angel Lopez, Gabino C. Diaz, Faustino Reyes Garcia, Gerardo Paramo, Ramon Hernandez Bravo, J. Guadalupe Vilagrana Sanchez, Jaime patino Sigala, Jairo Ruiz, Javier Camacho, Jesus Flores, Jesus Gonzalez, Jesus Sandoval, J Jesus Rosas Silva, Jesus Solis, Jose Jimenez, Jose Ariel Joseph Pena Ballesteros, Jose Sanchez Perez, Manuel Rodriguez, Maximo Navarro, Miguel Angel Ayala, Miguel Patino Mojica, Noe Guzman, martin Hernandez, Juan Pedro Guerrero Hernandez, Refuguio Aguilera, Richardo G. Gonzalez, Ricardo Rodriguez, Roberto Ruiz, Roberto Santos Silvestre Yanez (831) 462-3726 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Advanced Green Gardener, CLCA Certified Water Manager
Ecological Concerns, Inc. Raphael Higuera, John Cairns, Leopoldo Cueva, Daniel Stillinger, Garrick Hansen, John Sherman, Forrest Wallace, Nestor Sanchez, Brian Homberger (831) 459-0656 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Advanced Green Gardener, Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor (IA), Certified Graywater Irrigation Technician, Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control
Coastal Evergreen Company, Inc. Antonio Aguilar, Amado Carranza, Bertoldo Loaeza, Eliberto Rivas, Emilio Carranza, Abraham Hernandez, Eraclio Mojica, Fernando Torres, Javier Alcantar, Israel Solorzano, Luis Esqueda Jorge Jernande, Roberto Monjes (831) 438-4747 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Advanced Green Gardener, CLCA Certified Water Manager
Deva Gardens Gabriel Arellano (831) 247-6900 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor
EcoCentric Design Company Roxanne Evans (831) 421-2843 Green Gardener Instructor, Certified Greywater Irrigation Installer
Eco Engineering Ron Bellangero (831) 239-3446 CA Licensed General Contractor, Certified Greywater Irrigation Installer, ARCSA Accredited Rainwater Harvesting Professional
EcoKitchen Gardens Joann Godoy, Edgar Bello (831) 247-7812 Advanced Green Gardener, UCCE Master Gardener, Qualified Landscape Water Manager
Escobar Garden Service Tomas Escobar (831) 459-0831
Far West Design and Landscaping, Inc. Mariano Lopez (831) 476-8867 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Advanced Green Gardener
Green and Growing Landscapes, Inc. Gregory Miller (831) 465-0144
Gophers Limited Thomas Whittman (831) 335-2400 Green Gardener Instructor, Licensed Pest Control Advisor (DPR)
Habitat Gardens Brett Graff, Sean Wallace, Joe Coberly (831) 359-7918 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Green Gardener Instructor, Certified Graywater Irrigation Technician, Permaculture Design Certificate
Jackson Landscape Lynn Jackson (831) 477-0447 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Certified Monterey Bay Area Green Business, CLCA Certified Water Manager
Jennifer Page Smith Landscape Design Jennifer Smith (831) 325- 9117 Certified Graywater Irrigation Installer
Locatelli's Landscaping David Otterbach (831) 423-3215 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor
Love's Gardens Golden Love (831) 471-9100 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, ISA Certified Arborist, Certified Graywater Irrigation Installer, ARCSA Accredited Rainwater Harvesting Professional, Permaculture Design Certificate
Nature Elements Landscaping Alejandro Soto (831) 359-7169 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Licensed Landscape Architect, Advanced Green Gardener
New Earth Gardens, LLC Kevin Ide (831) 332-VERM Certified Graywater Irrigation Installer, Permaculture Design Certificate
Quietscapes Aesthetic Pruning Kathy Alford (650) 279-4449 ISA Certified Arborist, California Certified Nursery Professional, Certified Graywater Irrigation Installer
RTJ Landscaping Ramon Torres (831) 254-4652
Sakoda Landscape Thomas Sakoda (831) 212-0732 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Advanced Green Gardener
Terra Bella Landscaping Nikos Lynch (831) 479-1629 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Green Gardener Instructor, CLCA Certified Water Manager
Terra Nova Ecological Landscaping Ken Foster, Jillian Steinberger (831) 425-3514 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Certified Monterey Bay Area Green Business, Advanced Green Gardener, Permaculture Design Certificate, Monterey Bay Friendly Rater
The Bonny Doon Garden Company Teresa Sabankaya (831) 421-0975
The Landscape Company, Inc. Francisco Torres, Efrain De La Cruz, Jose F Garcia (831) 476-7070 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor
Verdant Landscape Design Jerob Chop (831) 247-2930 Advanced Green Gardener, UCCE Master Gardener, Certified Association of Professional Landscape Designers, Certified Permaculture Designer
Vision Gardens Sheryl McEwan (831) 212-5861 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor, Advanced Green Gardener, UCCE Master Gardener, Permaculture Design Certificate, Certified Greywater Irrigation Installer
Weiser Landscape Co. Sami Weiser 831-566-7393 CA Licensed Landscape Contractor
  • Advanced Green Gardeners have completed a minimum of 40 hours of hands-on instruction and passed the Green Gardener certification level exam.
  • Qualified Landscape Water Managers have completed 21 hours of instruction in efficient irrigation system management.
  • Certified Graywater Irrigation Installers have achieved more than 80% on a written exam and completed 55 hours of hands-on instruction, including the installation of one laundry to landscape system and one permitted branched drain graywater system.
  • CLCA Certified Water Managers must pass a written test, complete an irrigation audit, and demonstrate proficiency in keeping at least one landscape site on an annual water budget.
  • Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditors are certified through the national Irrigation Association and must pass a written exam, submit a completed irrigation audit, and complete 20 hours of continuing education every two years.
  • Accredited Rainwater Catchment Professionals are accredited to design and construct rainwater harvesting systems through the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association

Have Questions About the Green Gardener Certification Program? Click here to learn more.

Landscaping/gardening In Carmel Ca


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