
How To Get Rare Bow And Arrows On Animal Jam

The rare bow and arrows is some other very pop rare detail in Animal Jam.  1 of the main reasons for its popularity (aside from the fact that they expect awesome) is that they are available for non-members also!  Now to observe out more about the rare bow and arrows and other kinds of bows you lot volition find in Jamaa

Rare Bow & Arrows

The original rare bow and arrows were released in December of 2011 equally a Jamaaliday gift.  In that location were originally 8 different colors of bow and arrows and they did non receive the "rare" tag until 2012.

Each ready of bow and arrows features a compound bow with a quiver holding arrows.  These are the colors of the original rare bow and arrows.  Notation that some of these pictures are before the rare tag was added.

Rare Bow and Arrows – Orange

Rare Bow and Arrows – Royal

Rare Bow and Arrows – Green

Rare Bow and Arrows – Grey

Rare Bow and Arrows – Black

Rare Bow and Arrows – Blue

Rare Bow and Arrows – Pink

Rare Bow and Arrows – Magenta

How to Get Rare Bow & Arrows in Animal Jam

Since the rare bow and arrows were first released many years ago, I bet y'all're wondering how y'all tin nevertheless get them.  I've listed some way below to aid you find a rare bow and arrow on your own!

Win an Adventure

It has been confirmed that both rare and not-rare bow and arrows have been awarded as prizes for winning certain adventures.  I know the Forgotten Desert is 1 of the adventures simply I'm not sure which other ones work.  Even though you aren't guaranteed to win a rare bow and arrows from an adventure, this is still a good way to get them because you won't have to pay or trade anything!

Trading for a Rare Bow and Arrow

Another way to get a rare bow and arrow would be to merchandise with another Jammer.  At that place is a lot of argument about how much a rare bow and arrow is worth so just be polite other players when making a trade.  Who knows, maybe they won it in an gamble and don't similar information technology.  You could go a rare bow and arrow for less than you lot thought!

You tin can comment on this page if you're looking for a rare bow and arrows and see if some other Jammer has one to trade.  Comment beneath with what you have or what yous're willing to merchandise!

Rare Bow & Arrow Codes

Jammers are e'er looking for codes to get a rare bow and arrows for free but unfortunately I don't think there are any.  Plus if there were rare bow and arrow codes, they wouldn't be as rare!  Until there are codes bachelor, I would endeavor ones of the ways I listed higher up and y'all'll get your rare bow and arrows quicker!

Not Rare Bow & Arrows

After the release of the rare bow and arrows in 2011, AJHQ has continued to give out bow & arrows as Jamaaliday gifts every year since.  However these new bow and arrows are not considered rare.  At that place are also 8 dissimilar colors of non-rare bows and arrows which you can encounter below.

Neon Blue Bow & Arrows

Aureate Bow & Arrows

Another type of non-rare bow and arrows is the Golden Bow and Arrows.  This particular was released in May 2012 equally a members-only item sold at the Ballsy Wonders shop.  The golden bow and arrows is identical to the other sets just it is all gilded in colour.

This detail costs a whopping 4500 gems which arrive the almost expensive wear item.  It can yet be purchased at Epic Wonders or information technology can exist won in an run a risk.

Cupid's Bow and Arrows

Cupid's Bow & Arrows is a spin-off from the original bow & arrow sets.  Information technology features a curved bow with i giant heart shaped arrow.  There is no quiver similar the other variations.

There are 8 different colors of Cupid'southward bow & arrows.  It was first sold as a member-just particular at Epic Wonders in February 2015 for the Friendship Festival.  The price was 1500 gems.

Spring Bow & Arrows

The Spring Bow & Arrows were released on Feb 26th 2017 for just i 24-hour interval at the Diamond Shop.  They were function of a set of other leap items which were also simply available for one twenty-four hour period each.

The bow is green with blue accents and cost 3 diamonds on the 24-hour interval it was available.

How to Get a Not-Rare Bow & Arrows

Non-rare bow and arrows are more common than the rare version so they're easier to get!  Here are some ways y'all can get them.

Epic Wonders Shop

The Epic Wonders store is located underneath the waterfall in Coral Canyons.  On the second floor of the store is where you can find the habiliment items.  The Golden bow and arrows is for sale there.  Yous ameliorate save upward earlier going though because it costs 4500 gems!

In the past, other bow and arrows like the Cupid's version have likewise been for sale at Ballsy Wonders.  Go on an eye on the Jamaa Journal and bank check back from fourth dimension to time to see if any other new ones accept arrived.


Not-rare bows are also awarded equally prizes on some adventures.  There are many dissimilar items awarded every bit prizes and so it may take y'all a while to get a bow and arrows, but eventually you probably will!


You can as well trade with some other player to get a bow and arrows.  If y'all have a bow and arrow to merchandise or if you're looking for ane, comment below!

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