How Many Anime You Completed 2018 Reddit
Posted by 2 years ago
How many animes have you watched ?
I just counted how many I've watched/read (manga included) and it came out to exactly : 57 shows
What's your count ?
Look it'due south not a huge count but I've just been watching anime for 7 months now
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level ane
· 2 yr. ago
MAL says I've completed 361 anime.
level ii
Dang, respect ! How many yrs have you been into anime ?
level 1
· 2 yr. agone
My best approximate is over k. I counted perhaps similar 7 or so years ago and I was at 650 and I've been watching more a hundred per year on average.
I'k at 173 completed anime for the year, not counting unfinished currently ambulation anime.
level i
· 2 yr. ago
MAL says 74 completed serial merely I think so if you exclude sequels information technology would be around 55 anime only, I accept been watching anime for like 3 years now.
level 2
Damn, then you never went through the phase where time dilates and you're able to swallow 80 episodes in 24 hrs which should literally be incommunicable.
level ane
· ii yr. ago
I'm currently at 300+ not counting many currently ambulation shows. Its also a rough list that I started years after I actually started watching anime so im sure there's shows I've seen that I but forgot I watched.
level i
Around 150 individual anime completed probably.
level 1
· 2 year. ago
My completed on MAL is 60something
level one
I remember going on mal to add together some to my list to see how much, but later 400 I only accept up cause sorting through seasonal anime was taking to long. I know I've seen well over 500 cause everytime I look at the most popular serial I've seen atleast ninety-95 out of the top 100. I'll probably go on again and practise a recount and update this if it's nevertheless here.
level 1
357 including movies and ovas and i dont read manga becasue i hate reading
level two
Bro you say that you detest reading but have y'all tried a manga ? I used to hate reading as well cox schoolhouse messes it upward for you and then bad. But I read the tokyo ghoul manga and honestly savage in love with the medium. There are Masterpieces sitting in the manga world.
level 1
MAL says I've completed 174, although there are some that I've dropped likewise and I'one thousand sure in that location are some I've forgotten to add together lol
level i
According to my MAL
Watching - 54 Completed - 358 On-Hold - 23 Dropped - 76
level 1
· 2 year. ago
level two
Damn respect, how many yrs take to been eating anime for?
level 1
MAL says 339 completed. Given that includes sequels, OVAs, etc. I've probably watched more than like 100 divide series.
That'southward across maybe 9 years.
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